
Posts Tagged ‘vodafone’

The Ducky Ad Awards – Dec 07

Well I never thought this series would make it past the first episode. But I did it. This is the second post!

Before I say anything about this month’s winner, why not see it first? I only hope you’ve never seen it before. Don’t want to spoil the ending for you.

Here are the lyrics of the song. Extensive googling didn’t help. So I guess someone at Oglivy just picked up a guitar and hummed this one out. Makes a beautiful number.

Uuuu uu uuu uu
Uu hoo hoo u hoo
hoo hoo hoo uu

Blue skies and la la la
There’s a place
for us somewhere

Take me away,
somewhere far away
beyond the sun

uuuu huuu huuu huu huuu huu
uuu hoo u
uu hoo hoo hoo uuu
take me a away
somewhere far away
beyond the …

A big investment from the guys with the deepest pockets. This 60-seconder comes ringing in for Christmas TV from the giants at O&M

What I love about this ad is that you don’t know whats happening till the last second. There’s a man stuck in an elevator apparently waiting for something to happen. It’s only in the last second that you’re told it’s an ad for an Astrology SMS . By the time you figure it out, the brands out there on your screen. I assume it would have excellent recall.

The man in the elevator has a great expression on his face. You actually understand some of his emotes when you see the ad for the second time.

Vodafone have another ad as well for India, on the astrology concept, but I like this one.
(Plus I couldn’t find the other one on YouTube )

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